At CTK, we know that a child’s formation of faith begins at birth and continues through adulthood.

In our Rice Village nursery, loving caregivers, led by Mrs. Herlinda Torres, look after children four years old and younger.

Children 18 months old may begin to attend Sunday Church School (SCS). At an early age, SCS becomes an integral part of your child’s weekly teaching.

Children of all ages will find a variety of programs available at Christ the King Church that reach beyond traditional Sunday morning church school. We have special events for our children such as Rally Day, Trunk or Treat, Advent Wreath Workshop,  Las Posadas Christmas Program, Carnival Brunch, Easter Celebration, Pentecost Picnic, and retreats with our outdoor ministry partner, Lutherhill.


Serve God, Love Neighbor, Play Hard, Pray Harder

at Christ the King Lutheran Church

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Children, Youth, and Family Ministry Team

Godly Play Storyteller Team
Sara Harlan, Bette Bowers, Leslie Winesett, Liz Lloyd, Diane Schoppe, Marie Monroe

Godly Play Doorperson Team
Lindsay Remmert, Nancy Graml, Andy Winesett, David Hope-Tringali, Maureen Sahualla

Confirmation Class Leaders
Bill Burgess and Lucky Sahualla

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