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Order Your Grounded Advent Devotional

Deadline to Order: Nov. 6! When paying online, select "Devotional Kit" and fill out the form. Kits will be available for pick up in the narthex by November 12

Join us and our friends at Tree 4 Hope on a caffeine-fueled Advent Journey as we marinate in the patient moments provided to us during the time it takes our morning coffee to brew. Through daily devotionals, lectio divina practices, guided imagery prayer, and other prayerful activities, we will use these moments to delve into a deeper relationship with God and our neighbors, especially those living in Guatemala! Each order of Grounded will include four (4) bags of freshly prepared coffee from Chica Bean in Guatemala, one for each week of the season, shipped fresh to the church right before the beginning of Advent. Each devotional is $40

Order Online Here!