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Grace to you, Beloved Christ the King Community!

We are now entering our final moments of the season after Epiphany.  This coming weekend, we will be hearing the Transfiguration story where Jesus brings Peter, James, and John up with him to a mountaintop where he was transfigured right in front of them.   The Greek verb for "transfigure" is from μεταμορφόω (metamorphoó), which is where we get our word metamorphosis.  I think that this concept is a great one for us to both ponder and live into as we begin our Lenten journey together.  

1. Lenten theme: "Embodied Promises"    This year, we will be hearing many stories about God's promises from our Old Testament readings.  We will take the opportunity to explore these stories particularly at our Wednesday Vespers services.  

2. Gather Wednesday Evening:  Wednesdays during Lent, we will be gathering to share a meal together, to learn and try out a spiritual practice, and to worship together at Holden Evening Vespers.  Food will be available starting at 6pm.  We hope this allows you a night off from cooking to be with your CTK community, while we pause together during Lent to focus on deepening our relationship with God and each other.  

3. Ash Wednesday:  Please join us for one or more of these opportunities, remembering that we are dust, and to dust we shall return, as we begin Lent:

  • Ashes to Go at our Rice Village Campus parking lot 7-9am, 11am-noon, and 4:30-6pm, and also at our Memorial Campus following the Wednesday Bible Study at 11:30am
  • A short service at 12:15pm and a full service at 7pm at our Rice Village Campus
  • Take away sandwiches will be provided for those coming to the mid-day service, and a meal will be shared starting at 6pm before our longer service. 
  • We still have space for anyone who would like to impose ashes with us during the day.

At the 11am service last Sunday, we experienced a metamorphasis moment together.  During Holy Communion, we sang, "This Little Light of Mine," and the Spirit was present with us.  Childilike wonder and joy filled the air, and the circle was richly lit with your little lights, voices, and bodies shining brightly, illuminating our spiritual home.  As you go forth this week, remember that joy and take the light of Christ with you to share with all those you encounter.  

Grace and peace to you, and especially hope,

Pastor Jennifer

Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay